Air training list

You are shipping DG’s by air? Our trainings will give you the skills to prepare your shipments according to ICAO and IATA’s requirements.



Initial shipper

Our initial training is aimed for novice in transportation of dangerous goods field. Our trainers will explain the basic knowledge you should acquire to ensure the conformity of your shipments. Practical and useful tools will be presented to easily prepare your shipments by air transportation mode.

Recurrent shipper

You will need to renew your certification soon? Our experienced trainers will tell you about the changes that have occurred since your previous certification and will present you practical tools to ensure that your shipments will meet all the requirements of air transportation mode.


Our mailing address:
340 Avenue Dorval,
C.P. 53019
Dorval, Québec
H9S 5W4


Our training center:
2737 Louis A Amos,
Lachine, Québec
H8T 1C3